Have mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

Elisabeth Elliot was talking about this simple prayer that the Orthodox Church memorized and called the Jesus Prayer. It truly is fitting for every occasion and need, as long as it’s coming from a seeking heart. She mentions it being a great prayer in times of sickness.

So, as I lay here in bed, reading while part asleep, part groggy, definately under the weather, I start to pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

Haver mercy. Keep this harm from me. Grant me safety. Grant me health.

Then it occured to me how undeserving I am of health. Sickness is the natural result of sin, so if I got what I desrved, I’d be sick constantly, probably even dead by now!


This photo of Ari basically describes how the last (almost) two weeks have been around here. Daddy not feeling well. Baby catching a cold and having some issues with breathing/oxygen that sends us to the doc. And I, unfortunately, have now caught whatever these two guys have had.

And here I am, pleading for mercy on my bed, all too aware of my obvious state of weakness.

When we’re sick we are more aware of this needed mercy which we actually need at all times! We are fooled in times of health I think. We are in a constant drought, and only Christ’s mercy satiates and shields. But only now does my physical weakness not hide my true spiritual weakness behind the illusion of strength.

There is always a need for more of Christ’s abundant mercy. More of His strength.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

In Christ