Have mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

Elisabeth Elliot was talking about this simple prayer that the Orthodox Church memorized and called the Jesus Prayer. It truly is fitting for every occasion and need, as long as it’s coming from a seeking heart. She mentions it being a great prayer in times of sickness.

So, as I lay here in bed, reading while part asleep, part groggy, definately under the weather, I start to pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

Haver mercy. Keep this harm from me. Grant me safety. Grant me health.

Then it occured to me how undeserving I am of health. Sickness is the natural result of sin, so if I got what I desrved, I’d be sick constantly, probably even dead by now!


This photo of Ari basically describes how the last (almost) two weeks have been around here. Daddy not feeling well. Baby catching a cold and having some issues with breathing/oxygen that sends us to the doc. And I, unfortunately, have now caught whatever these two guys have had.

And here I am, pleading for mercy on my bed, all too aware of my obvious state of weakness.

When we’re sick we are more aware of this needed mercy which we actually need at all times! We are fooled in times of health I think. We are in a constant drought, and only Christ’s mercy satiates and shields. But only now does my physical weakness not hide my true spiritual weakness behind the illusion of strength.

There is always a need for more of Christ’s abundant mercy. More of His strength.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

In Christ

Thoughts on meditating.

For a while now, many months, I’ve been feeling like the Lord was asking me to switch up my daily quiet time. There’s a few problems with that, one being what He wants me to change it to. The other one is…I’ve been comfortable with where I’m at. I get up, brew coffee, read two chapters from my Bible reading plan, take a few notes, and go through my prayer journal.

This isn’t bad. I’ve done this for about three years now, and it’s been one of the main reasons I’ve seen any sort of growth in my spiritual life. But something I’m realized is that, on this side of heaven, we’re always under construction. That being true, we are (hopefully) always growing and changing for the better. For me that meant the Lord wanted to enlighten my spiritual eyes in a new way (Ephesians 1:18), and draw me even deeper into my relationship with Him. A disconnect was happening between my knowledge and my actions, and He was wanting to bring both into alignment, so I can better show the light of Christ to others (Isaiah 60:1-3).

I was listening to Mark Driscoll teach on James 1:19-27 in the car on our way home from California yesterday. Verse 22 says, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” Driscoll went on to define self-deception as the belief that your knowledge has changed you.

Woah. Stop right there.

“I’m not self-deceived, am I? I can’t be! I read my Bible every single day. I go through my prayer list every single day. I teach Bible study. I’m not one of those self-deceived people…”

But then I started to think about all the times I’ve lost my tempter in the last few weeks, and the ways I’ve given in to selfish attitudes almost without a second thought, making life more annoying for myself and those around me because of the flesh that often rules me. In my quiet time I was reading verses about anger and self-control over the tongue. I was keeping a journal of what God was teaching me. I was reading a book on heart transformation. Why wasn’t it working? I found the answer in the next few verses of James.

“For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.” vs 23-24

I was self-deceived. I was thinking the knowledge found in God’s Word was what changed my heart and led to God honoring actions. I’d find myself becoming frustrated. “I know I’m not supposed to act that way!! So, why am I?!”

Joshua 1:8 tells us that to be successful in living out God’s Word with our deeds is connected to meditation. It says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it…”

True meditation isn’t what most Eastern religions tell you it is. It’s not about emptying your mind of all negative thoughts. No, we must then replace them with something. And what better thing to replace your ridiculous thoughts than with God’s Word!? So, Christian mediating is thinking on God’s Word, keeping it in your mouth and recounting it often. Doing that helps you fulfill Philippians 4:8, which tells us to think on things that are true, honorable, just, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praisworthy.

So, consuming more information, reading more chapters from my Bible each day, and finding new books on the topics I’m struggling with isn’t the answer. Meditating on God’s Word is. Why? Because as you meditate, and come upon a situation where you need to put God’s Word into action, allowing God’s Spirit to exercise His power through you, you will not have forgotten what the right thing to do is. You’re not the person James 1 is talking about who forgets how they look in the mirror. Psalm 119:15-16 also connects meditation with remembering when it says, “I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways…I will not forget your word.” We need to meditate on the Word to remember the wisdom it has to offer when we need to put it in to action.

Why is meditating so hard?

I know for myself it’s because I want to be entertained. It’s more entertaining for me to pick up a new book, start reading, and taking notes, than it is for me to think about a Bible verse all day long and see how God would really have me apply it to my life. When I have tried to meditate before, I feel a discontentment creep in, where simply feeding on the Living Word isn’t enough for me. But these things are sinful.

I also don’t think we truly understand our spiritual need to meditate. It’s mostly because we rely on our own ability and wisdom to live out the word based on our knowledge, instead of trusting the Lord’s plan for working His Word into our hearts and lives through the pratice of meditation.


What should we do about it?

I know I’m praying that the Lord would help me to be content with quietness and the feast that His Word really is.

One very practical thing I have changed in my quiet time is that I now only read my Bible until He speaks to me. (This idea was first made known to me when I read Lord, Change Me, which I think everyone should read!) One chapter, one verse, ten chapters. Whatever it takes, I want to get what the Lord is communicating to me to meditate on for that day, and then stop and actually spend the day meditating on it. I’m also cutting down on some of the books I read outside of my devotion time. I’m replacing the time I would reading with journaling or meditating on what I think God is showing me through the daily manna He’s provided for me.

It’s my prayer that we become exercisers of the faith, and not simply consumers.

In Christ

What’s best for your child?

Ari is at this weird age where I’m suddenly seeing the overflow of a sinful heart manifest itself through ridiculous actions. For example, at house church this week he got so angry and impatient about the food not getting to him fast enough (because a two second delay on mom’s part is waaaaay too long for an eleven month old to be patient), and what does he do? Smacks his face against the wooden table and tries to bite it with his three and a half teeth hard enough to make himself cry and start freaking out. He starts biting at anything closest to him when he’s had enough. My leg, the air, the sippy cup in front of him, anything really. It’s kind of humorous…well, it’s at least made me realize how ridiculous anger really is. He unfortunately has a temper. I’m not sure why any of this is shocking to me. I know children are conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5).

Anyways, all of this has created a little more anxiety in me as far as discipline goes. He’s no where near old enough to understand time out. A little swat on the hand at times (usually as he’s reaching for a banana pieced that’s about to be sliced in two with a sharp knife) leaves him in confusion. He still doesn’t fully understand the meaning of the word, “no.” But I’m starting to wonder, how in the world am I going to raise this sinful little boy to love and follow the Lord with a pure heart?

Yikes! This is a huge deal! I’ve unfortunately been relying on my own wisdom to just remember to put that method into action when the time comes. BUT WHAT IF I DON’T REMEMBER IT WHEN THE TIME COMES!? Or memorize these five practical steps to creating polite children. I’ve been asking all sorts of questions, but this morning I finally prayed about it.

“Even now, how do I correct him when he is so young? How do I teach him that his anger is sinful? I’m asking for wisdom, trusting you will answer (James 1:5). Show me from your Word.”

That’s what I wrote down in my prayer journal this morning. Ari was bored and fussy last night and no pile of toys big enough would satisfy his sinful heart. He just doesn’t realize his contentment needs to be secure in Jesus. Goodness, I hardly understand this most days! The frustration on my part was still lingering when I got up to pray this morning, so I knew I had to hand it over to the Lord. And guess what? Within hours, He answered me straight from His Word! He is so, so good! He showed me what’s best of my child, and what will be best for raising any future children He blesses us with.

“I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them.” Jeremiah 32:39

Fearing the Lord and having a right, active, vibrant relationship with the Lord is what is best for my child.

Phew! That took a HUGE weight off of my shoulders just reading it. The same idea is found in John 17:26 when Jesus prays, “And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.” If Jesus purposed to be set apart to the Lord so that God’s earthly children would too be sanctified, how much more do I need to be set apart to the Lord as an earthly parent so that my children can be sanctified?

So, that’s it? Just follow Jesus?

Yep, I truly believe that’s it. If we discipline ourselves in our relationship with the Lord, I truly believe He will give us the help, wisdom, and methods needed at the right time to train up our children. By fearing and trusting Him, we will leave a legacy of godly offspring, just like He desires.


It’s kind of hard to believe that little lion haired baby has a temper. haha Believe it. 😉 Those who’ve seen it believe.

In Christ

Hold up my hands.

I’ve been on an Elizabeth Elliot kick lately. Ask anyone who has had any length of conversation with me in the last two months. haha I highly encourage everyone, both men and women, to take a listen to what she has to say. She is a woman who has suffered greatly in this short life, but she sees it all as things God has done FOR her, and not TO her. It’s truly a supernatural working that comes out of her teaching when I actually see myself looking forward to any sufferings I may go through for the sake of my sanctification. She truly has changed my outlook on being a woman, wife, and mother in Christ.

That being the case, I listened to one of her teachings this morning on spiritual mothers. Titus 2 is all about older women mentoring the younger, and I have been so blessed by our body of women at Refuge Church this last year. I totally believe that it is through many answered prayers that we are now seeing a Titus 2 culture coming alive at Refuge, both among the men and women!! Over the holidays we were able to spend a good chunk of time with two people Brian and I would both call spiritual mother and fathers to us. We left their home changed, filled with the Spirit, and edified in our spirit. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone pray over me the way those two did and continue to. They have taken in my child as their own, as well as my husband and I as their own. They are unlike anyone I have ever met on this side of heaven. haha All this is by God’s grace. I know it because I know a little of their story and background. They are both so humble that I know if they saw this post, they would blush and hide. I love that about them!! Anyways, while leaving their house one night, both in awe of the grace and love that had been poured out on us, Brian mentioned a verse to me. 1 Corinthians 4:15 says, “For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers.” I was extremely confused as to what Brian was talking about, but then he explained to me that having an earthly father is one thing, and we are both extremely bless by ours, who brought us both up in God fearing homes, but having a father in the fellowship of the Spirit is a completely different thing. This verse tells us this sort of father figure is unique, a blessing.

Elliot encourages women to be just that, but in the realm of mothering. In this lesson I listened to, she told different stories of spiritual mothers that she had throughout her life at different stages and ages. This really got me thinking about the few spiritual mothers I have. Again, these are precious women. I was reminded this week, in a huge moment of humility and vulnerability at Bible study, that I have many, many women around me who have and continue to hold up my hands, just as Aaron and Hur did for Moses in battle (Exodus 17). These women, though many are close to my age, act as spiritual mothers to me, along with all the others of different ages that have made impressions in my life. It is largely because of these women that I have any sort of encouraging words to extend to others. I often find myself wanting to imitate the Christ-likeness I see in them. I think that’s how you really know you’ve found a spiritual mentor…they actually give you a LONGING and DESIRE to be like Christ. (And two, your relationship with them is completely saturated in grace!)

All that being said, besides my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I have few but strong mother’s in the faith to thank for the words I can share over at Deeply Rooted magazine. I desire to encourage other women, just as these ladies have me, in the works God laid out for me to walk in before the foundation of the world. I want to see other women passionate about the Word, about Jesus’ love for them, and the love He wants us to have for our families and others, just as these women have pushed me to be excited for these things!

This is out goal for Deeply Rooted. Today we launched our campaign, which you can check out here. When I got to watch the video before the launch yesterday morning, I was literally crying at what a beautiful opportunity this has been to use my passion for writing to encourage other women. I pray that’s what it’s actually done too, and that this isn’t some illusion I have in my mind. haha Check out the video below for yourself!! See if your heart for reaching other women aligns with our goals. If so, please pray for us. Please share the word through your social media accounts about what we feel God calling us to do as a publication. And lastly, if you feel called to give financially, please do. I’ve definitely got my eye on that adorable tote we had designed for a campaign perk!! 😉 But above anything else, we covet your prayers. We want to do this all according to the will of the Lord, and it is fabulous to be on staff with other people who are seeking the same thing.

Really, ladies, thank you for all the time, prayer, and encouraging words you share with me and my family. You know who you are. You are so special to Jesus. You are His inheritance (Eph. 1:18)! And you are special to me as a mother and sister in Christ.

In Christ,

How Jesus got practical with prayer.

This post will again be a little more of the practical nature. (I actually meant to post this one before the last one…but…didn’t. Oops. haha) In Matthew 6:9, Jesus was teaching His disciples about prayer and he said “Pray then like this…” He then went on to give him a practical model of praying. Sometimes I think we avoid prayer because we have no clue what to pray about (Romans 8:26). Sure, we know there are thousands of things to lift up in prayer, but I think Satan allows our weak minds to forget, causing us to not want to pray (Matthew 26:41).

Taking our weakness of not knowing how to pray, let’s consider Jesus’ prayer. I often go back to this prayer when I’m drawing a blank. Please know that this is in no way, shape, or form the ONLY way to prayer. Pray as the Spirit leads and prompts you to. Again, this is just the wisdom God’s share with me to help cultivate my prayer life, and I’m praying it’ll help you as well.

“Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kindgom come, you will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”‘” Matthew 6:9-13

I’ll just point out a few basic things God’s highlighted to me in this passage. The first is the hallowing of God’s name. As we enter in to prayer we want to be praising God. Psalm 50:23 says, “The one who offers thanking as his sacrifice glorifies me…” Praising God for provisions, big and small, thanking Him, and counting your blessings before going to the Lord with your current requests and needs really allows your heart to be inclined fully towards God. Some supernatural work really happens as you remember and recount all that God has done. In Isaiah 17:10, Israel forgot their God, and failed to remember the rock of their salvation. This brought judgment upon this great nation. I’ve been learning recently that prayer has to do with four things: remembering, recounting, rejoicing, and requesting. God wants His people to be a remembering people. This here is where recounting what God HAS done comes in to play, as you praise His name and nature.

Next is praying for God’s kingdom and will in your life. Often time the Spirit shows me something in my life that is not allowing God’s kingdom to be established in my personal life, marriage, or family. Maybe it’s a behavior change, a root of bitterness that I need help plucking out. Whatever it is, ask for God’s help to allow His kingdom to be established through you. You can be sure that you are in God’s will if you are working towards building His kingdom, but you can’t be sure of being in His will if you are preoccupied with your finite kingdom.

Third, we get to our requests in asking for our daily bread. Notice the word daily there. I’m pretty sure that’s evidence that God expects us to be going to Him on a daily basis with all of our needs, through prayer.

Later in the chapter, I think we find some more light to be shed on this passage. In verses 25-34 Jesus gives His famous (this is a praphrase by the way haha) “Look at the beautiful flowers and their clothing. Look at the birds finding food for today. Do they worry? No. Why should you?” The last two verses are key. He says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”


Here’s what Jesus is saying: if you really are seeking my will and kingdom first (for some of you out there, seeking first may literally mean first thing in the morning… 😉 ) then I’m going to take care of you. I will take care of these needs. Are you a single mom of two kids? Ok, it’s my will you take care of them. I will worry about the bills. About your food. Are you a father unsure of how to lead your family? I’m a Perfect father. I will give you my perfect wisdom on how to love and guide your family. Tomorrow has enough worries of it’s own. Focus on today. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never a promise to you.”

Man, I worry so much. Soooo much. It’s getting pretty bad. My definition of a good wife often means being super organized and prudent, to a fault. There’s nothing wrong with that, but when I stress out about money because my husband wants to go out for dinner instead of eating the week’s worth of meals I’ve already planned and spent money on? Uh-oh. Lexy’s in trouble. “Maybe God’s providing our meal tonight by allowing us to go out to eat.” Brian has told me this on several occasions. I’m crazy, ladies. 😉 But God knows our needs today! Rest in that!

Alright, back to Jesus’ prayer. We need to daily meditate on the gospel, and daily remember and ask for continued forgiveness of our sins. If we actually did this on a daily basis, asking and receiving forgiveness, I think Satan would have less of a foothold in our lives to condemn us. “No, Satan, God reminded me just this morning that He dealt with that sin on the cross. You can’t use that against me. He is my Advocate.” Ask for forgiveness, and give forgiveness. I’ve found that you often can’t convince other’s you forgive them just by telling them over and over again. You have to act like it, and I believe acting like it begins my daily choosing not to meditate on sins commited against us. Jesus died on the cross for those sins too. Love does not recall. This is such a hard lesson to learn in marriage, but begin in prayer, and God WILL bring feelings of forgiveness and love, I promise! I’ve experienced this! He is always faithful to obedience.

And last, but certainly not least, Jesus chose to highlight temptation. As I end my prayer time, I think it helps me to remember I’m still human, and weak, and I need the Lord’s protection. I need His help to guard my heart properly. Going out into my day being aware that I can be tempted, is already protection in a way. The recognition of my weaknesses helps stay on guard. Sin is blinding by nature, so if we don’t even know where we can or that we can be tempted, we’re already losing part of the battle.

You know your weaknesses. Maybe it’s time you share them with someone else. With the Lord’s help, Brian and I have really had to cultivate communication in this area over the last few months. I know for me personally it’s been such a blessing and protection. It’s very hard to talk about, but again, God blesses the obedience. Satan hates open communication because he can’t sow seeds of anger and bitterness, so pluck out those weeds through communication.

Maybe you should meditate on this chapter in your free time over the next few days. Something my husband said once when teaching on prayer and personal study time was that we should either take note or stop and actually PRAY when God brings something to our mind. I keep a little notebook as I read and write down anything the texts prompts in my thoughts that I may need to pray about. For example, I’ve been studying the Old Testament a lot lately, and the Israelites complain A LOT. God is often reminding me of little things I complain about as I’m reading, so I write them down and ask for His empowered help to turn that complaint into thanksgiving when I pray.

Please feel free to email me, message me, or leave a comment about what God’s been showing you and doing in your prayer life recently. I love hearing stories of answered prayers. They make some of the best books. 😉 Reading about prayer and other’s answered prayers encourages me even more to pursue in prayer.

Happy praying!

In Christ,

P.S. Do you remember Stacy’s post? We now have this resource available in print! Get in touch with me through the Write Me tab up top, or leave a comment, if you are interested in getting a copy. 🙂

Photo by Amy Roberts.

Prayer: It’s a workout!

What’s one thing I regret about high school? I wish I had a prayer life back then. I pray for a culture of prayer often for our church’s youth group. There was so much I compromised in high school simply because I didn’t take the time to daily God to the Lord and His Word.

That being the case, my journey of starting a devotional time didn’t get under way until the year before I got married. Our pastor’s wife was teaching a women’s Bible study at the condo my now-husband owned. She said something one night that I will never forget. This is what kicked me off to start the training for the prayer marathon that life, marriage, and family is.

“Prayer is like a muscle. It hurts when you start working out, but the more you work it, the stronger you become, and the easier it is to use.”

That sounded simple enough. Like any workout, you start slow and easy, and you build and increase the time, weight, and your strengths are increased as well. Prayer no longer seemed daunting.

With that advice, she also had prayer journals for us. They were written by her aunt for her young wives and mothers group that she taught. I’ve since written letters back and forth to her aunt, and she definately seems to have a Titus 2 heart in desiring to reach out to and teach younger women, which I am now eternally grateful for!! Helen, if nothing else, my marriage has grown SOOO much from this tool you created for women to use. I am so thankful you used the gifts God has given you to build others up in Christ.

Equipped with encouraging advice, a blank journal, a guided prayer journal, and my Bible, I set to work with my morning routine. Over the years it’s changed just a bit, as lifestyles and schedules change, but this is a general guideline of how I do it. I hope this serves you as a helpful way to get started as well.


These are the three books I always have in the morning: prayer journal, my notebook, and my Bible.

First off, a little more about this amazing guided prayer journal: it is numbered with 31 days, so you have something different to pray for each day of the month. When a new months hits, you just start over. I’ve been praying through this for…four years now? Something like that. I’ve taken notes here and there or added verses to pray along with specific requests. There’s a topic to pray for your husband, your children, yourself, and missionaries in your life each day. I love this! This was so helpful when I got started with a regular prayer routine because I couldn’t use the excuse of not knowing what to pray for each day. I always had something new to pray for. Over the years these have become more of suggestions as I launch in to prayer.

Backing up, I start my morning by hitting the *brew* button on the coffee pot. 😉 haha On mornings when Brian is home, I’ve really tried to wait and drink my coffee later in the morning with him so we can hang out and chat, but I’ve learned that I serve him better if I have my java earlier than him. God created the coffee bean, and I believe He created it to help serve moms by waking them up in the morning! So, I get my coffee going, and I sit down in my faaaavorite spot in my house.


This table. I love this table. I’ve tried reading on the couch, but I just can’t do it! Not enough room to spread my books and journals out.

Anyways, I bring all my book to the table, and then I pray. Through reading this great, great book recently called, Lord, Change Me, I have an understanding of the importance of asking the Lord to take away any human wisdom I lean on or previously conceived thoughts and ideas I have about the passages I’m about to read. This allows room for the Holy Spirit to be my teacher, which is the MOST important part of this entire process. After that, I dig in to the Bible. I’ve been following this Bible reading plan since January of LAST year, and at the rate I’m going, it will honestly take me eight years to get through the entire Bible, which I am perfectly okay with. I go through two chapters a day, then the next two the next day, instead of doing four chapters a day. It’s just too much for me, and I really want to meditate on what I’m reading and not just get through the Bible in a year for the sake of getting through it in a year.

I just read and annotate. I take notes of anything that pops out at me in my journal. I write other scripture verses that the section may bring to mind. I journal about how the verses can apply to situations in my mind. I write down prayer requests the chapter prompts. Anything and everything the section brings to mind, I write about. I truly believe this is what the Holy Spirit is teaching and spaking to me through His Word. I used to think I was just free associating, but then I realized the fact that I can even free associate thoughts in a spiritual manner is a gift from God, so it must be the Holy Spirit guiding me! I don’t like to bring commentaries into my study unless I absolutely can’t understand the section at all, which DOES happen. haha In the Old Testament this happens more often, simply because I don’t understand history very well at all, and I often need to look things up. But it’s all good! God totally uses those tools to speak to me. Brian got the Believer’s Bible Commentary as one of his textbooks in Bible College, and it has been so helpful for me! I love having an actual copy of a commentary of the ENTIRE Bible on hand in one place! I take notes in it, so I can reference back to it. My other favorite tool is Blue Letter Bible. They have online commentaries you can read or listen through. One of my favorite teachers is David Guzik. I also love that they have a section for women’s ministry and teachers. When I clean up around the house during the day, I almost always have one of their women’s teachings on. It’s so encouraging and helpful to keep your mind focused towards heaven even when in the middle of housework.

Ok, ok, back on track. After that I go to prayer. Since I’ve gone through this prayer journal so many times, I recently picked up The Power of a Praying Wife and started it for the second time. It’s basically the same exact thing as the guided prayer journal, but each topic you’re praying over for your husband includes a small chapter with helpful verses and thoughts as to why it’s even important to pray that specific thing for your husband. I just started The Power of a Praying Parent a few days ago, and I am LOVING it! It’s such a simpe, refreshing reminder about how parenthood really is a battle in prayer. So good! Check those helpful books out.

With those tools, I just started journaling out my prayers with the topics for my husband, myself, and my child in mind. These are long and short. Honestly, sometimes I stop right in the middle of a prayer because I’m so discouraged about what I’m praying about that I can’t go on. Or I’m so tired that I can’t even think straight. It’s ok. The Lord loves my the same even if I don’t finish my morning devotional time! haha Other times, fourty five minutes to an hour will pass with the Lord and I feel as if I’ve just started! This is my time to pour out my heart to the Lord, complaints, concerns, questions, everything. This is my catch all time with Jesus.

And that’s really it. I start where I left off the next morning. I think this is a good thing…I’ve become so dependent on this routine that I have to take my books when I travel. If I have to get up early for something, I have to get up even earlier for prayer, or I just won’t have my daily fuel to serve my husband, family, and others. It’s taken several years, but I really can honestly say I can’t get through my day with a right attitude without digging in to that spiritual fuel pump of strength in the morning. It’s supernatural, that’s all I know.

If that sounds like a lot, start small. Start with one verse a day. Half of a verse even! Sometimes throughout an entire chapter, the Lord literally only highlights a single word to me, and that’s my word for the day! If this seems too overwhelming to pray all those things, pick a single verse and use that as a prayer. I promise you, the more you do it, the stronger you will become! God will cultivate a strong prayer nature in you, and over time you will learn to rely on the strength He provides through that muscle. Ask the Lord for wisdom on how HE wishes your devotional time would look. I’ve had to learn this past year that God’s plan for Brian’s devotional time is a whooooole lot different than his plan for my devotional time, and that’s ok. There’s no one way to do it. God just wants you to do it. Pray for wisdom and faithfulness to put what He shows you in to action.

One super cool thing about journaling through the devotion and prayer time is that I can look back on God’s faithfulness. There have been a few times where God’s given me a word of knowledge about someone through prayer, and I can go back and see His supernatural power at work in me. It’s crazy! I share that to encourage you guys to desire His spiritual gifts! If I feel like God is telling me specific answers to prayer during the day through a song I hear or a verse He brings to mind, I run to my journal and write it down. Ask Brian. There are often times he comes home at the end of the day, and I get out my journal to share things God’s been showing me with him. I pray often that one day these journals would serve other’s in some way. It’s often tempting to get rid of them when I see them piling up and taking up space in our tiny house, but I hope my testimony through these journals bring someone closer to Jesus one day.

In Christ,

A new year, a new nature.

We are about to dive into the New Year’s series on prayer!! Before we jump into that, I wanted to address the purpose of choosing this action (developing a prayer life) as something to resolve to devote yourself to in this coming year.

First off, I want to encourage my readers in their new nature. Christ died to make us something completely different. We aren’t angry wives stuck in a dead end marriage. We aren’t hopeless moms who can only look at our dying child. We aren’t unfulfilled women drifting along aimlessly. God has a purpose for our lives! One of the revealed wills for us is that God desires us to be pray-ers. I totally believe that part of our new nature includes hearts and lives dependent on God’s power through prayer. I SO often revert to human wisdom and knowledge before going to God in prayer, for big and little things. Ari was having a really, really tough night falling asleep a few days ago, and God reminded me that even that seemingly small thing to me can be taken to him in prayer. I love the lyrics to the hmyn What a Friend We Have in Jesus. My favorite, favorite part are the words, “What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, o what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.” Isn’t it crazy to think that you’re missing out on peace in your life simply because you aren’t turning it over to the Lord in prayer?

So, my challenge to you all is to cultivate a deeper prayer life this year. All of you HAVE a prayer life. It’s either existent, or non-existent. God takes me deeper and deeper into his Word and prayer every morning. I doubt there will ever be a day on this earth where I have my fill of both of these. He is SO big and has SO much to show us about Himself!


It is my hope that through the tiny bits of the wisdom God’s shown me in my prayer and devotional life, YOU will be encouraged in your personal walk with Him. I am so passionate about other’s tasting of God’s goodness the way I’ve been able to through prayer. It really does sadden me to see women brush aside prayer time and daily reading in the Word because I know what they’re missing out on. I in NO WAY have this down perfectly, and am nowhere near being as devoted to prayer as God desires me to be, but I’ve learned the most about prayer through other’s examples and advice on how to get started, so I wish to share some of that with you.

Here are a few reasons to choose to devote your year to prayer:

First off, you know it’s God’s Will for you to pray. That being the case, He can help you do it. He will supply the desire and follow through.

Sure, you can resolve to lose weight, exercise more, spend less money…all sorts of things, but we know for SURE from His revealed will in His Word that He wants us to be people of prayer. I believe that putting more time and energy into this practice will help every other area of your life that you desire to resolve to improve.

And two, 1 Thessalonians tells us to “pray continually.” Other translations say “never stop praying,” or “pray without ceasing.” I believe that in heaven when we have our perfect bodies, it will be natural for us to pray without ceasing. But we aren’t in heaven now, and we have fallen, weak bodies, so continuing every second of our day in pray is definately not something we do. That being the case, devoted ourselves to prayer in this new year is something we can all grow in on this side of eternity.

I have no idea how long this series will be. I’ll write as the Spirit leads. 🙂 Stay tuned, and I REALLY am PRAYING this is used to encourage you in your prayer walk.

In Christ,

Photo by Amy Roberts.

Updates galore!


Starbucks, ministry, and Brian’s new, busy photography business have made it so, yet again, the holidays are the busiest time of year! And COLDEST…especially this year. We woke up Monday morning on Brian’s day off around 8 a.m. It was -6 degrees outside!! Not cool!


Ari and I have spent a lot of time camped out at home. I think I only left the front porch twice last week! haha It’s just toooooo cold! We do sneek away occasionally with daddy while he takes pictures. I absolutely LOVE that we can do that. We hung out at the library Sunday night and looked out the windows. Ari loves windows. God’s been very good and faithful to us in leading Brian to start this photography business. Many answered prayers and much direction has been provided through it. I think we have been floating in unsure waters for a while, so I’m thankful that even if things are crazy busy, we feel encouraged that we are actually in God’s will for our lives as a family right now.

Another random update: Ari started his helemt therapy Tuesday! He has a flat spot off to the side of his head, so he has a helmet to correct it. He’s done very well with it! The only thing I see continuing to be an issue is how early he’s been waking up. haha 5 a.m. is even early for me, and I’m very much so a morning bird! But I don’t blame him…after a night of sleep, when you wake up with an annoying thing on your head, I’d probably cry a lot too! Please keep praying for us as we enter into yet another transition stage of raising a child. 🙂


Is this not so precious? This happened so perfectly and quickkly that I just had to pull out my iPhone and snap a picture. He’s holding the Grinch’s hand! Ahhhh! We always had a Grinch doll like this sitting on the couch around Christmas. My mom got me one a few years ago, and I finally pulled it out the other day. It is basically the same size as Ari, so when I sat him on the couch next to him he looked at it, grabbed his hand, and turned to me with the biggest grin on his face!! So adorable!

With January coming up, I think I’m going to do a series of posts on prayer as a challenge to the new year. God’s been opening my eyes in fresh ways in the area of prayer: for myself, my husband, and my little one. Along with that, I’ve had a few emails and messages asking about how I do my morning devotional time. I believe Jesus, in teaching the disciples how to prayer in Matthew 6, had some practical pointers on prayer, so I want to share some practical things He’s taught me with you all as well. There have been much questioning (ok, often times arguing) towards God on my part, and He is always patient and willing to answer my questions. I want to share some of the conversations with you guys. If you have any specific questions in the area of prayer and personal study that you would like addressed, feel free to contact me. God always gives me outlines to follow, so I feel He has this series already laid out for me, now I just need to write it. 🙂 Anyways, I hope this is something for you guys to look forward to come January.

How about Stacy’s post the other day!? Awesome, right? God is so good! Thank you everyone for sharing and passing that along as a resource. I know she felt very encouraged, and it was awesome for me to watch the number of shares go up and up and up on my Facebook page. There is no area of our life that the gospel can’t touch. We are putting the finishing touches on making her story available as a print resource. If you would like to get your hands on a print version for yourself, a friend, or a resource in the future, please contact me through my email available in the contact tab at the top of this page. 🙂

In Christ,

P.S. These photos (besides Ari and Mr. Grinch) were taken by Brian. 🙂 Obviously. haha